Financial Services

Accurate, easy-to-read and on-time financial reporting is a critical part of successfully managing any community.

At Seabreeze x Best, we offer a personalized, comprehensive financial package to give you rapid access to the right information to make informed decisions.

If you need additional help or a customized report, each community has a dedicated financial manager who is ready and available when you need them most.

Monthly financial reports packages include:

  • Balance sheet, including current month and prior month actuals
  • Income and expense statement with month and year-to-date actuals to budget
  • Income and expense trend report organizing year-to-date expenses by month and category
  • Investment listing reports with rates, terms, purchase dates, maturity dates and account information for all your association investment accounts
  • Reserve fund schedule with month, year-to-date and prior year actuals detailing contributions and expenditures
  • Settlement fund schedule with month, year-to-date and prior year actuals detailing contributions and expenditures for tracking legal settlement funds
  • Check disbursement report with details on check date, check number, payee name, general ledger account number and a description
  • Delinquency report detailing a list of delinquencies by homeowner
or general ledger income category
  • Bank balance report showing a reconciliation for each bank account with attached bank statements for review
  • General ledger report showing a detail of all transactions for the month
  • General ledger journal report detailing a list of all journal entry adjustments for month and year end
  • Custom reporting provided to suit your needs

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